Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed "Win As Hero" Compendium Challenge not properly detecting completion
- Fixed various bugs with selling back items during the allowed window (Combined wards, Clarity Potions, etc)
Dota 2 - Valve
Compendium Additions:
- Added a fourth Challenge slot, which is always a Hero-specific challenge, and rewards completion with both Compendium coins & points.
- Challenges are now available in Captains Mode, Captains Draft, Random Draft, Single Draft, and All Random game modes.
- Ten Hero Challenge added to compendium, also enabled on the above-mentioned modes. This year you can do the Ten Hero challenge 3 times for a total of 450 Compendium Points (4.5 Levels).

- You can now choose to consume any TI5 Compendium Immortal by right clicking on it in the Armory and choosing the Consume option. You'll gain 200 Compendium Points (2 Levels) for each Immortal consumed this way.

- Added back the Item Recycling system. You can now recycle 10 items for a Charm of the Crucible Jewel II and 25 Compendium Points.
- Added 3 Recycle Charm Achievements. Create 1 Charm, Create 10 charms, and Successfully Complete 8 Charms. Worth 25, 125, and 200 Compendium Points respectively (in addition to the base 25 for recycling).
- If you don't own a Compendium, points earned will be saved and applied automatically when a Compendium is activated.

- Added All-Star match voting to Compendium (awards 50 Compendium Points for completion)

Other Changes:
- Updated kill gold chat messages to show the full amount of gold the killer receives (now includes proximity gold)
- Fixed the following abilities from attempting to target Zombies (since they do not affect them): Eclipse, Eye of the Storm and Diabolic Edict
- Fixed Searing Arrows always requiring a small amount of mana to do damage, even if the manacost was already paid for
- Fixed Permanent Split Shot on Rubick
- Fixed a visual bug with Enchantress's weapon
- Fixed 100% proc events (like Wind Run) sometimes failing in rare cases
- Removed the per-game pet limit
- Various tooltip adjustments and fixes
Dota 2 - Valve
Compendium Additions:
- Added a fourth Challenge slot, which is always a Hero-specific challenge, and rewards completion with both Compendium coins & points.
- Challenges are now available in Captains Mode, Captains Draft, Random Draft, Single Draft, and All Random game modes.
- Ten Hero Challenge added to compendium, also enabled on the above-mentioned modes. This year you can do the Ten Hero challenge 3 times for a total of 450 Compendium Points (4.5 Levels).

- You can now choose to consume any TI5 Compendium Immortal by right clicking on it in the Armory and choosing the Consume option. You'll gain 200 Compendium Points (2 Levels) for each Immortal consumed this way.

- Added back the Item Recycling system. You can now recycle 10 items for a Charm of the Crucible Jewel II and 25 Compendium Points.
- Added 3 Recycle Charm Achievements. Create 1 Charm, Create 10 charms, and Successfully Complete 8 Charms. Worth 25, 125, and 200 Compendium Points respectively.
- If you don't own a Compendium, points earned will be saved and applied automatically when a Compendium is activated.

- Added All-Star match voting to Compendium (awards 50 Compendium Points for completion)

Other Changes:
- Updated kill gold chat messages to show the full amount of gold the killer receives (now includes proximity gold)
- Fixed the following abilities from attempting to target Zombies (since they do not affect them): Eclipse, Eye of the Storm and Diabolic Edict
- Fixed Searing Arrows always requiring a small amount of mana to do damage, even if the manacost was already paid for
- Fixed Permanent Split Shot on Rubick
- Fixed a visual bug with Enchantress's weapon
- Fixed 100% proc events (like Wind Run) sometimes failing in rare cases
- Removed the per-game pet limit
- Various tooltip adjustments and fixes
Dota 2

Three Lane Highway

Every week, Chris documents his complex ongoing relationship with Dota 2, Smite, and wizards in general.

You know who's fun at the moment? Beastmaster. Back when I started to take five-man Dota seriously I played him a lot—he was one of my first dedicated solo offlaners. The pushing power. The free ward. The versatile ult. The way he sometimes says 'who's stool is this?' while moving, suggesting that at least one Dota hero spends a certain amount of time shitting in the woods (looking at you, Ursa.)

I fondly refer to him as 'Beefmaster', and he is one of two heroes—the other being Axe—that I have ever committed to fully roleplaying during a solo ranked game of Dota. 'WHO KILLED MY PIG', I'd bellow in all-chat. 'I'M COMING FOR YOU.'

He's great in 6.84, one of my favourite characters to play in the era of level one bounty rune fights. His buffed base damage isn't as absurdly high as Treant Protector, but he's faster and I've found that most players haven't quite internalised just how hard he hits. Encounter a lone enemy moving to secure a bounty rune and you've probably just got first blood. Get the rune too and there's your level 2, your brown boots, and an Orb of Venom. After that, the offlane is a party.

I bring this up because Beastmaster, like Axe and Rubick, is one of my silly heroes. Which isn't to say that these aren't impactful characters, but that I'm noisier when I'm playing them than at any other time. After two thousand hours I'm still amused by the fact that Beastmaster's ult amounts to yelling really loud, and I remain incapable of doing it without trying to reflect some of that bravado. I mean, come on. The guy yells so loud it stuns couriers.

I blink, I ult, and I rely on the fact that I've just bellowed 'BOO' or 'NO' or 'OI' over Skype to let my teammates know that, er, I've probably started a teamfight. This is fine, I think, in the context of a pub game with friends. One important aspect of Dota, something that sits aside from its competitive nature, is the sense in which it is a performance you put on for your friends. It's not just about stomping noobs, or at least it shouldn't be. Dota is also entertainment and a lot of that entertainment is provided by the people you play with.

Not everybody plays that way, of course, but I suspect everybody knows somebody who does. This isn't just limited to the trench: old-Na'Vi were as well known for their sense of style as their ability to win games. There is a whole strata of pro players—Dendi, SingSing, N0tail, AdmiralBulldog, among others—who are entertaining showmen as well as skilled players. They enter into the spirit of the game when it's appropriate.

Yelling along with Beastmaster was something I started doing without really thinking about it—I was having fun, and expressed that in the way I acted. Thinking about it recently, however, I realised that this drive to put on a show affected the way I played in more substantial ways.

I realised that there are certain types of play that I'd avoid declaring to my team before I did them: flashy initiations and silly gambits that I'd launch into without warning to avoid spoiling the surprise. I played not only to win, but for the gratification of delivering a first blood or a multi-kill that nobody else on my side expected. I'd attempt to secretly build Dagons during matches that we were already winning. Sometimes, the instinct to say 'hey guys—watch this' would lose games that we were already winning.

It sounds like the dumbest thing in the world, and it probably is—but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I wasn't alone. This attitude is fairly common in Dota. It determines a lot about which heroes are popular. Everybody wants to be seen landing the star Pudge hooks. Everybody wants to be the Faceless Void that gets the perfect five-man Chronosphere and subsequent rampage. Being seen to succeed is as important, for many, as succeeding.

In identifying this, I identified a gap in the way my team communicated with each other. I've always taken communication a lot more seriously when playing 'properly'—by which I mean team ranked matchmaking, a little JoinDota League, and the forthcoming TI5 Open Qualifiers (we're doomed)—but I'd not really solved the problem of the 'surprise play'. It was a behaviour pattern that both myself, our midlaner and our carry shared. We'd communicate openly until it became more fun not to.

Not intentionally, of course. This is just another unexamined instinct, something you pick up during the thousands of hours it takes to get semi-competent at Dota and that, if you don't face it down directly, can ultimately hold you back.

The solution was to introduce a really simple rule for communication in games that matter: talk constantly about the match. Offer as close to a running commentary as you can. Talk about how your farm is going. Talk about what the enemy supports are doing, how their midlaner is doing. When you see an opening for a play, say something—even if it ruins the 'surprise'.

I've found it helpful to temper this by asking teammates to avoid talking about non-match-related topics (including Dota more broadly) until the game is over. This also means no more Beastmaster-yelling—but we've got random pub matches for that. Organised Dota is about teamwork, and teamwork means communicating continually and openly about your experience of the game.

It also means being selfless. This is an angle I keep coming back to, it seems: that learning to play Dota better often means learning to dial back your own selfish instincts. Anybody who has ever stood on a stage knows that it takes a certain amount of ego to get there, even if the point of that ego is the performance you subsequently deliver to others. Dota 2 is a stage, too, sometimes, but your teammates aren't your audience. They're up there with you. They're not the people you need to impress. And if you're about to do something brave or stupid they should probably know.

To read more Three Lane Highway, click here.

May 11, 2015
Dota 2 - SZ

The International prize pool is already halfway to the 15 million dollar mark in just 10 days, with 90 days to go. We're still working on building the second set of Immortal items, but they're not quite ready yet. We know the most important aspect of these Immortals is their quality level, so we are also planning on spending some extra time polishing them rather than releasing them quickly.

You'll still see an update to the Compendium this week though. Included in that update you'll find new challenges, the Item Recycling system, and new ways to earn Compendium Points.
May 11, 2015
Dota 2 - SZ

The International prize pool is already halfway to the 15 million dollar mark in just 10 days, with 90 days to go. We're still working on building the second set of Immortal items, but they're not quite ready yet. We know the most important aspect of these Immortals is their quality level, so we are also planning on spending some extra time polishing them rather than releasing them quickly.

You'll still see an update to the Compendium this week though. Included in that update you'll find new challenges, the Item Recycling system, and new ways to earn Compendium Points.
Dota 2 - Valve
Fixed Enigma being unable to convert Mud Golems
Fixed Sleight of Fist damage being reduced too much with Quelling Blade and Battle Fury
Fixed Illusions not benefiting from Quelling Blade bonus damage
Fixed Jakiro hitboxes
Dota 2 - Valve

* Roshan armor upgrade increased from 1 per 8 minutes to 1.4 per 8 minutes
* Familiars hit requirement reduced from 4 to 3
* Enrage damage multiplier reduced from 2/2.5/3 to 1.5/2/2.5
* Glimmer Cape Magic Resistance reduced 66% to 55%
* Glimmer Cape and Shadow Amulet Attack Speed reduced from 30 to 20
* Silver Edge recipe cost increased from 350 to 600
* Flesh Golem minimum damage amplification reduced from 5/10/15% to 1% (same for scepter)
* Flesh Golem minimum slow reduced from 5% to 1%
* Soul Rip manacost increased from 50/75/100/125 to 100/110/120/130
* Zombies no longer require two hits to kill from Towers
* Stampede Scepter damage reduction from 70% to 60%
* Gyrocopter base Intelligence reduced from 23 to 19
* Queen of Pain base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
* Hawk movement speed from 250/300/350/400 to 250/275/300/325
Dota 2 - Valve

* Roshan armor upgrade increased from 1 per 8 minutes to 1.4 per 8 minutes
* Familiars hit requirement reduced from 4 to 3
* Enrage damage multiplier reduced from 2/2.5/3 to 1.5/2/2.5
* Glimmer Cape Magic Resistance reduced 66% to 55%
* Glimmer Cape and Shadow Amulet Attack Speed reduced from 30 to 20
* Silver Edge recipe cost increased from 350 to 600
* Flesh Golem minimum damage amplification reduced from 5/10/15% to 1% (same for scepter)
* Flesh Golem minimum slow reduced from 5% to 1%
* Soul Rip manacost increased from 50/75/100/125 to 100/110/120/130
* Zombies no longer require two hits to kill from Towers
* Stampede Scepter damage reduction from 70% to 60%
* Gyrocopter base Intelligence reduced from 23 to 19
* Queen of Pain base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
* Hawk movement speed from 250/300/350/400 to 250/275/300/325
Dota 2 - Valve
Limited number of pets in a single game to 3. If more than 3 are equipped by players in the game, the highest level pets will survive. Pet levels are determined by your compendium level for Almond, and embedded gem stats for Aurora.

Updated Ursa's Enrage effects
Techies Arcana now uses correct Arcana animations in effigy mode
Terrorblade's missing item textures fixed
Missing Meepo item model and textures fixed