ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

I'd like to give a quick update on current activities:

We are moving forward with development but the number of loose ends is still staggering. We are very close now to an ASCII test release and hopefully also will be able to do a Steam beta shortly afterwards. These blog posts point to a few of the new features: mentioning
- the new HUD prototype
- big improvements on scaling ADOM for various resolutions
- the revised talent screen mentioning
- a new quick hint system that greatly simplifies learning the key commands
- the revised quest system with much better messages and statusses
- improved mouse handling mentioning
- the revision of point-based character generation
- changes to question-based attribute generation
- the new configuration screens for ADOM
- many details on the physical rewards from the crowdfunding campaign

Lots of work also happened on physical rewards for people who donated during the crowdfunding campaign. Some details can be found here:

Additionally the _final_ roll call for submitting your addresses for physical shipments is up:

Act now!

That's it for today.

Stay tuned - I hope that the next announcement will be the Steam beta ;-)

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

I'd like to give a quick update on current activities:

We are moving forward with development but the number of loose ends is still staggering. We are very close now to an ASCII test release and hopefully also will be able to do a Steam beta shortly afterwards. These blog posts point to a few of the new features: mentioning
- the new HUD prototype
- big improvements on scaling ADOM for various resolutions
- the revised talent screen mentioning
- a new quick hint system that greatly simplifies learning the key commands
- the revised quest system with much better messages and statusses
- improved mouse handling mentioning
- the revision of point-based character generation
- changes to question-based attribute generation
- the new configuration screens for ADOM
- many details on the physical rewards from the crowdfunding campaign

Lots of work also happened on physical rewards for people who donated during the crowdfunding campaign. Some details can be found here:

Additionally the _final_ roll call for submitting your addresses for physical shipments is up:

Act now!

That's it for today.

Stay tuned - I hope that the next announcement will be the Steam beta ;-)

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

As point-based character generation has been a hot topic of much frustration I today started working on improvements.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my analysis specifically on the effects of character backgrounds on attribute scores (but naturally also other ideas although on the latter there already has been so much discussion ;-)

Read all here:

Thomas & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

As point-based character generation has been a hot topic of much frustration I today started working on improvements.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my analysis specifically on the effects of character backgrounds on attribute scores (but naturally also other ideas although on the latter there already has been so much discussion ;-)

Read all here:

Thomas & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

After being a bit spammy last week I'm trying to keep it to weekly updates here. The past week again saw a lot of work on improving the UI and starting two days ago I'm now playing my own game mouse-only (although I love the keyboard controls) in order to learn more about what actually is missing for a great mouse-based UI.

Soon we'll also run more supervised test games with ADOM newbies to learn more about what works and what doesn't in the UI.

This blog post summarizes the latest advances:

If you have more wishes or ideas regarding improvements for the UI/UX please submit them _now_ at - it's the perfect time as we really want to improve on this for the next release.

Thanks & stay tuned for the next update!
Thomas & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

After being a bit spammy last week I'm trying to keep it to weekly updates here. The past week again saw a lot of work on improving the UI and starting two days ago I'm now playing my own game mouse-only (although I love the keyboard controls) in order to learn more about what actually is missing for a great mouse-based UI.

Soon we'll also run more supervised test games with ADOM newbies to learn more about what works and what doesn't in the UI.

This blog post summarizes the latest advances:

If you have more wishes or ideas regarding improvements for the UI/UX please submit them _now_ at - it's the perfect time as we really want to improve on this for the next release.

Thanks & stay tuned for the next update!
Thomas & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

I hope this series of announcements doesn't feel like spamming but I am very proud of the progress that we right now make and as long as every day brings an (IMHO) major new enhancements I'd like to keep you all informed (as a compensation for too much silence in the past).

One complaint with ADOM currently (and rightfully) is that talking to monsters and NPCs is not much fun as you easily can miss the texts uttered by them.

Thus I proudly present "communication bubbles" that were implemented today to display utterances by monsters and NPCs in a beautiful way. Being an ASCII artist I for now only can show the ASCII version but here we go:

Let me know what you think - I'm really looking forward to the next release and now hope that my compatriots can catch up fast enough with the graphical repesentations for the ASCII visualizations.

Stay tuned!
Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator
Hi everyone!

I hope this series of announcements doesn't feel like spamming but I am very proud of the progress that we right now make and as long as every day brings an (IMHO) major new enhancements I'd like to keep you all informed (as a compensation for too much silence in the past).

One complaint with ADOM currently (and rightfully) is that talking to monsters and NPCs is not much fun as you easily can miss the texts uttered by them.

Thus I proudly present "communication bubbles" that were implemented today to display utterances by monsters and NPCs in a beautiful way. Being an ASCII artist I for now only can show the ASCII version but here we go:

Let me know what you think - I'm really looking forward to the next release and now hope that my compatriots can catch up fast enough with the graphical repesentations for the ASCII visualizations.

Stay tuned!
Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator

As part of our UI enhancement quest we just finished the ASCII implementation of a new dialog widget system for ADOM (the graphical counterpart takes a bit longer bit is upcoming, too).

The following blog post has a demo illustrating the new dialog widgets:

This in the future will make it much simpler to recognize input requests from the game and display detail information.

Stay tuned for the next release!

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) - TheCreator

As part of our UI enhancement quest we just finished the ASCII implementation of a new dialog widget system for ADOM (the graphical counterpart takes a bit longer bit is upcoming, too).

The following blog post has a demo illustrating the new dialog widgets:

This in the future will make it much simpler to recognize input requests from the game and display detail information.

Stay tuned for the next release!

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM