War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Though barely... Alas the darkness is receding, and sunlight is returning to Kairos. But all is not lost. Sprouting from his warren like a daffodil, Bunny Worker rises with a ravenous appetite - for chocolate eggs!

This cocoa connoisseur will burrow deep in search of chocolate. And you know the thing about chocolate is that it’s brown. And the thing about dirt is that it’s also brown. So keep that nugget dangling on a stick, and this fervent little fellow will burrow out all your dungeons till next winter!

Crack open your Bunny Worker skin on Steam and receive a special launch discount for a limited time - then watch him burrow through all non-Campaign game modes.


Priced at just £0.79 / $0.99 / 0.99€, the Bunny Worker is waiting for you on the Steam Store. You can also grab him at a discount in our Worker Skin Collection.

In addition, backers of our original Kickstarter campaign using the Steam version of the game will receive this skin for free.

Happy Easter, Underlord!

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Though barely... Alas the darkness is receding, and sunlight is returning to Kairos. But all is not lost. Sprouting from his warren like a daffodil, Bunny Worker rises with a ravenous appetite - for chocolate eggs!

This cocoa connoisseur will burrow deep in search of chocolate. And you know the thing about chocolate is that it’s brown. And the thing about dirt is that it’s also brown. So keep that nugget dangling on a stick, and this fervent little fellow will burrow out all your dungeons till next winter!

Crack open your Bunny Worker skin on Steam and receive a special launch discount for a limited time - then watch him burrow through all non-Campaign game modes.


Priced at just £0.79 / $0.99 / 0.99€, the Bunny Worker is waiting for you on the Steam Store. You can also grab him at a discount in our Worker Skin Collection.

In addition, backers of our original Kickstarter campaign using the Steam version of the game will receive this skin for free.

Happy Easter, Underlord!

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Valve
Today's Deal: Save 75% on War for the Overworld!*

Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!

*Offer ends Wednesday at 10AM Pacific Time
War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

For millennia you have slept with nothing but the dreams of long-decimated realms to keep you company - the journey through the Aether is harsh after all and the search difficult, but at last you stand on the precipice of a new realm, Kairos.

But before the attack can begin there are preparations to be made. While you wait why not take a moment to relax and engage in that most favoured activity of all Underlords: dungeon building. Surely there’s something you can do to pass the time? How about this all-new My Pet Dungeon mode, and the dozens of changes in Patch 1.6?


My Pet Dungeon Game Mode ( £5.59 / $7.99 / €7.99 - 2-Level Free Trial)
My Pet Dungeon is a new game mode DLC available now on Steam for £5,59 - but we’re also giving you the opportunity to try before you buy with a 2-level free trial available to everyone as of Patch 1.6!

My Pet Dungeon is a distinctly different experience from all our other game modes thus far, with a much greater emphasis on dungeon building, exploration and discovery. Each level challenges the player to build a dungeon and raise enough points to progress onwards to the next land. My Pet Dungeon makes for a relaxing break from the day-to-day conquest of Kairos!

Key Features

  • New My Pet Dungeon Sandbox-Style Campaign - Narrated as ever by your despicable mentor Mendechaus (Richard Ridings)
    • Eight All-New Levels - Focussed on exploration, discovery and dungeon building (2 levels available for free!)
    • Unique Scoring System - Earn points by building the greatest dungeon in the Underworld; earn enough to unlock the next level
  • Bonus Objectives - Complete special objectives to earn extra points, such as raising your minions’ Levels or slaying dozens of heroes - all at your own pace
  • Room Unlock System - Rooms unlock over time, freeing your research up to focus on other Aspects
  • The Toybox - A special room unique to My Pet Dungeon, allowing you to pick up and drop enemy units into your dungeon as though they were mere toys
  • Wave Spawning - Spawn waves of enemy units to put your dungeon through its paces through new controls
  • Three Unlockable Themes - Unlock the long-awaited Empire Dungeon Themes at last, newly refined to work as playable themes
  • Winter Wonderland - Discover a new snowy terrain theme as your minions crunch through frozen underground caverns
  • God Mode - Realise your omnipotence with the power to shape the very land, spawn in units and much more - all in real time

My Pet Dungeon is a love letter to all the fans who’ve long wanted a mode that lets you play the game at your own pace, free from the constraints of Campaign, Skirmish or Crucible. Now you can finally build the dungeon of your darkest dreams!

Want to know more? Take an in-depth look at the new features with our previews:

Preview 1 - My Pet Dungeon reveal
Preview 3 - Snowy Terrain
Preview 4 - God Mode

Patch 1.6: Creature Comforts (Release Notes)
We’re certainly not forgetting to give you plenty of extra goodies in the accompanying patch as well. Patch 1.6 is filled to the brim with quality-of-life improvements, as well as a few additional features to help round out your experience:

  • Possession Mode improvements for user feedback, as well as dozens of new Possession views to make playing each creature a different experience
  • Balance changes allowing for a better-paced dungeon management experience
  • Combat AI improvements such as reworked repositioning and fleeing mechanics to increase combat clarity
  • UI improvements for additional feedback on unit need fulfillment
  • New waterfall and water chasm terrain, along with an all-new water shader
  • Community requested Autosave and Hardware Cursor options

If that has whet your appetite then you can read the full patch notes!

The Anniversary Collection

Finally, we know how Underlords both new and old are always hunting for a bargain to get the best value from their hard-stolen gold. So to celebrate the game’s second anniversary we’ve bundled together all the content and expansions for WFTO into one lovely anniversary package, which gives you a 10% discount! So if you’ve yet to embrace your inner Underlord there’s no better time than right now.

We won’t keep you any longer Underlord - get out there and construct the greatest dungeon this side of Uther’s Landing!


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

For millennia you have slept with nothing but the dreams of long-decimated realms to keep you company - the journey through the Aether is harsh after all and the search difficult, but at last you stand on the precipice of a new realm, Kairos.

But before the attack can begin there are preparations to be made. While you wait why not take a moment to relax and engage in that most favoured activity of all Underlords: dungeon building. Surely there’s something you can do to pass the time? How about this all-new My Pet Dungeon mode, and the dozens of changes in Patch 1.6?


My Pet Dungeon Game Mode ( £5.59 / $7.99 / €7.99 - 2-Level Free Trial)
My Pet Dungeon is a new game mode DLC available now on Steam for £5,59 - but we’re also giving you the opportunity to try before you buy with a 2-level free trial available to everyone as of Patch 1.6!

My Pet Dungeon is a distinctly different experience from all our other game modes thus far, with a much greater emphasis on dungeon building, exploration and discovery. Each level challenges the player to build a dungeon and raise enough points to progress onwards to the next land. My Pet Dungeon makes for a relaxing break from the day-to-day conquest of Kairos!

Key Features

  • New My Pet Dungeon Sandbox-Style Campaign - Narrated as ever by your despicable mentor Mendechaus (Richard Ridings)
    • Eight All-New Levels - Focussed on exploration, discovery and dungeon building (2 levels available for free!)
    • Unique Scoring System - Earn points by building the greatest dungeon in the Underworld; earn enough to unlock the next level
  • Bonus Objectives - Complete special objectives to earn extra points, such as raising your minions’ Levels or slaying dozens of heroes - all at your own pace
  • Room Unlock System - Rooms unlock over time, freeing your research up to focus on other Aspects
  • The Toybox - A special room unique to My Pet Dungeon, allowing you to pick up and drop enemy units into your dungeon as though they were mere toys
  • Wave Spawning - Spawn waves of enemy units to put your dungeon through its paces through new controls
  • Three Unlockable Themes - Unlock the long-awaited Empire Dungeon Themes at last, newly refined to work as playable themes
  • Winter Wonderland - Discover a new snowy terrain theme as your minions crunch through frozen underground caverns
  • God Mode - Realise your omnipotence with the power to shape the very land, spawn in units and much more - all in real time

My Pet Dungeon is a love letter to all the fans who’ve long wanted a mode that lets you play the game at your own pace, free from the constraints of Campaign, Skirmish or Crucible. Now you can finally build the dungeon of your darkest dreams!

Want to know more? Take an in-depth look at the new features with our previews:

Preview 1 - My Pet Dungeon reveal
Preview 3 - Snowy Terrain
Preview 4 - God Mode

Patch 1.6: Creature Comforts (Release Notes)
We’re certainly not forgetting to give you plenty of extra goodies in the accompanying patch as well. Patch 1.6 is filled to the brim with quality-of-life improvements, as well as a few additional features to help round out your experience:

  • Possession Mode improvements for user feedback, as well as dozens of new Possession views to make playing each creature a different experience
  • Balance changes allowing for a better-paced dungeon management experience
  • Combat AI improvements such as reworked repositioning and fleeing mechanics to increase combat clarity
  • UI improvements for additional feedback on unit need fulfillment
  • New waterfall and water chasm terrain, along with an all-new water shader
  • Community requested Autosave and Hardware Cursor options

If that has whet your appetite then you can read the full patch notes!

The Anniversary Collection

Finally, we know how Underlords both new and old are always hunting for a bargain to get the best value from their hard-stolen gold. So to celebrate the game’s second anniversary we’ve bundled together all the content and expansions for WFTO into one lovely anniversary package, which gives you a 10% discount! So if you’ve yet to embrace your inner Underlord there’s no better time than right now.

We won’t keep you any longer Underlord - get out there and construct the greatest dungeon this side of Uther’s Landing!


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

There has been much speculation over the last year regarding what Brightrock Games title will next grace your PC gaming device. Knowing our passion for 90s and 00s classics you may have supposed such games as “Themed Hospital Manager”, “Dark Grey & Light Grey” or even “Populist: The Start”, which would all be natural stepping stones for Brightrock in the future.

Fortunately today the speculation will end! In pursuit of our mission to create “genre-twisting simulation games” we’ve pondered the question, “What can we make that will truly reinvigorate this ailing genre?” While watching a stray dog urinate on a lamp post, the answer came to us like a bolt of lightning! So without further ado we’re pleased to announce:

Skargz – A Virtual Dungeon Pet Management Simulation Game

About Skargz

Skargz is a truly genre-busting game inspired by the virtual desktop pet games from the 90s. We’re confident there’s nothing out there quite like it – riding on a wave of nostalgia while also redefining what it means to be a virtual pet. We’re sure we’re not exaggerating when we say this is a new frontier for the VDPMSG genre!

Upon installing the game from your CD-ROM drive you’ll immediately find a newly laid Skarg egg on your desktop. Then the fun begins:

Adopt – An adult Skarg might be able to dice a Highguard at fifty yards, but junior’s gonna need a little hand being born: slap the egg 1,000 times to help him break free!

Nurture – Treat your newborn Skarg well and he will soon grow up to be a truly adorable killing machine. When he’s done devouring your Recycle Bin, be sure to sate him with plenty of Micropiglets, lest he eat your Start button next.

          CTRL+Z won’t undo that

Play – Skargz also enjoy hunting their prey, even in the digital domain! On spying your mouse pointer your Skarg will proceed to chase it around the screen, thus serving as an effective screensaver.

Explore – To your Skarg your computer is like a whole new dungeon full of winding passages. On his quest to find the hallowed underworld known as your hard disk, he will undoubtedly corrupt your essential system files.

Mutual-compatibility – Your Skarg isn’t just for this new game – he’s completely compatible with War for the Overworld as well! Export him back to WFTO with the exclusive “Skarg Advisor” DLC; he’ll boot Mendechaus back to the Aether and take a prominent position on your user interface, offering helpful tips and tricks.

          Just call me Clickety!

We know that for many of you this game will bring back memories of a simpler, happier time; but the nostalgia doesn’t stop there! As you may have surmised from our screenshots, Skargz is 100% compatible with Windows 95 and Windows 98, so you can authentically relive your childhood! In fact, the game is only compatible with those operating systems.

To ensure cross-compatibility we had to make War for the Overworld run on these operating systems as well. This has been a staggering technical achievement on behalf of our programmers, with the only discernible side effect being that War for the Overworld is no longer compatible with Windows 7, 8 or 10, Mac OS X, or Linux. But we’re sure having a Skarg advisor will more than make up for any niggling disappointments.

Speaking of War for the Overworld, the My Pet Dungeon DLC is releasing on Monday! Be sure to mark the date in your calendar and check out our preview posts for the upcoming release.

Skargz can be yours from April 2nd, 2017, all for the low low price of £59.99! Further microtransactions are also available to truly customise your experience. Want a new top hat for your Skarg? A muzzle? The Skargz Shop has all that and then some!

Of course you’re eager to know whether or not your rig will run this behemoth game. Here are the all-important recommended system requirements:

  • Pentium 75 processor
  • Windows 95
  • 40 MB free hard drive space
  • 16 MB RAM
  • CD-ROM
  • Monitor
  • 16 Bit Sound Blaster or compatible sound card
  • 256 colors video card

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

There has been much speculation over the last year regarding what Brightrock Games title will next grace your PC gaming device. Knowing our passion for 90s and 00s classics you may have supposed such games as “Themed Hospital Manager”, “Dark Grey & Light Grey” or even “Populist: The Start”, which would all be natural stepping stones for Brightrock in the future.

Fortunately today the speculation will end! In pursuit of our mission to create “genre-twisting simulation games” we’ve pondered the question, “What can we make that will truly reinvigorate this ailing genre?” While watching a stray dog urinate on a lamp post, the answer came to us like a bolt of lightning! So without further ado we’re pleased to announce:

Skargz – A Virtual Dungeon Pet Management Simulation Game

About Skargz

Skargz is a truly genre-busting game inspired by the virtual desktop pet games from the 90s. We’re confident there’s nothing out there quite like it – riding on a wave of nostalgia while also redefining what it means to be a virtual pet. We’re sure we’re not exaggerating when we say this is a new frontier for the VDPMSG genre!

Upon installing the game from your CD-ROM drive you’ll immediately find a newly laid Skarg egg on your desktop. Then the fun begins:

Adopt – An adult Skarg might be able to dice a Highguard at fifty yards, but junior’s gonna need a little hand being born: slap the egg 1,000 times to help him break free!

Nurture – Treat your newborn Skarg well and he will soon grow up to be a truly adorable killing machine. When he’s done devouring your Recycle Bin, be sure to sate him with plenty of Micropiglets, lest he eat your Start button next.

          CTRL+Z won’t undo that

Play – Skargz also enjoy hunting their prey, even in the digital domain! On spying your mouse pointer your Skarg will proceed to chase it around the screen, thus serving as an effective screensaver.

Explore – To your Skarg your computer is like a whole new dungeon full of winding passages. On his quest to find the hallowed underworld known as your hard disk, he will undoubtedly corrupt your essential system files.

Mutual-compatibility – Your Skarg isn’t just for this new game – he’s completely compatible with War for the Overworld as well! Export him back to WFTO with the exclusive “Skarg Advisor” DLC; he’ll boot Mendechaus back to the Aether and take a prominent position on your user interface, offering helpful tips and tricks.

          Just call me Clickety!

We know that for many of you this game will bring back memories of a simpler, happier time; but the nostalgia doesn’t stop there! As you may have surmised from our screenshots, Skargz is 100% compatible with Windows 95 and Windows 98, so you can authentically relive your childhood! In fact, the game is only compatible with those operating systems.

To ensure cross-compatibility we had to make War for the Overworld run on these operating systems as well. This has been a staggering technical achievement on behalf of our programmers, with the only discernible side effect being that War for the Overworld is no longer compatible with Windows 7, 8 or 10, Mac OS X, or Linux. But we’re sure having a Skarg advisor will more than make up for any niggling disappointments.

Speaking of War for the Overworld, the My Pet Dungeon DLC is releasing on Monday! Be sure to mark the date in your calendar and check out our preview posts for the upcoming release.

Skargz can be yours from April 2nd, 2017, all for the low low price of £59.99! Further microtransactions are also available to truly customise your experience. Want a new top hat for your Skarg? A muzzle? The Skargz Shop has all that and then some!

Of course you’re eager to know whether or not your rig will run this behemoth game. Here are the all-important recommended system requirements:

  • Pentium 75 processor
  • Windows 95
  • 40 MB free hard drive space
  • 16 MB RAM
  • CD-ROM
  • Monitor
  • 16 Bit Sound Blaster or compatible sound card
  • 256 colors video card

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

The second anniversary of War for the Overworld, and subsequent release of My Pet Dungeon and Patch 1.6, are just around the corner! You’ve seen the major features revealed over the previous three posts; but we’ve still got one more reveal to go!

So without further ado we’d like to introduce: God Mode.


Omnipotence at Your Fingertips

God Mode is a feature of My Pet Dungeon that you’ll unlock after completing the entire 8-level campaign. Upon doing so you’ll find a new section of the lobby has opened up, allowing you to enable and disable God Mode, as well as apply your own mutators.

But what is this God Mode? Simply put, by enabling God Mode you’re giving yourself the power to modify the terrain and spawn any unit from thin air - in real time. Think of it like using the Map Editor whilst playing the game, giving you the power to alter the level with the frivolity of a god!


It’s as simple as that really. As part of getting the game ready for this mode we’ve also made a small improvement to the Map Editor user interface, allowing you to place units of a set level via a new ticker.

      This is the horror that awaits upon spawning 648 Democorns

God Mode is extremely powerful and will let you shape your Pet Dungeons in any way that you desire. We’re also adding it as a mutator for Skirmish and Sandbox modes - you have been warned, so don’t come crying to us when your game explodes under such power!!

That succinct update brings our previews to a close, Underlord. We look forward to seeing you on Monday when My Pet Dungeon and Patch 1.6 release. Stay evil.


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

The second anniversary of War for the Overworld, and subsequent release of My Pet Dungeon and Patch 1.6, are just around the corner! You’ve seen the major features revealed over the previous three posts; but we’ve still got one more reveal to go!

So without further ado we’d like to introduce: God Mode.


Omnipotence at Your Fingertips

God Mode is a feature of My Pet Dungeon that you’ll unlock after completing the entire 8-level campaign. Upon doing so you’ll find a new section of the lobby has opened up, allowing you to enable and disable God Mode, as well as apply your own mutators.

But what is this God Mode? Simply put, by enabling God Mode you’re giving yourself the power to modify the terrain and spawn any unit from thin air - in real time. Think of it like using the Map Editor whilst playing the game, giving you the power to alter the level with the frivolity of a god!


It’s as simple as that really. As part of getting the game ready for this mode we’ve also made a small improvement to the Map Editor user interface, allowing you to place units of a set level via a new ticker.

      This is the horror that awaits upon spawning 648 Democorns

God Mode is extremely powerful and will let you shape your Pet Dungeons in any way that you desire. We’re also adding it as a mutator for Skirmish and Sandbox modes - you have been warned, so don’t come crying to us when your game explodes under such power!!

That succinct update brings our previews to a close, Underlord. We look forward to seeing you on Monday when My Pet Dungeon and Patch 1.6 release. Stay evil.


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Last week we introduced you to the new My Pet Dungeon mode and gave you a sneak peek at the new Possession improvements coming in Patch 1.6. But today we have the coolest update of all: the brand-new snowy terrain theme, plus water!


Snow Place Like Home

My Pet Dungeon takes place in the astral planes of the Aether – so far from the stars in fact that things can get pretty chilly. So it’s no surprise to find terrain like this:

            What is this, Christmas?

In My Pet Dungeon you’ll enter a number of realms constructed from these frozen passages. The snow may deter some beings, but not the cold, icy heart of an Underlord, eh?

We should stress that this terrain theme simply alters the look of the existing terrain types, rather than bringing new mechanics into the fold. Still, it looks delectable doesn’t it?

You’ll find the snow theme in various My Pet Dungeon maps; and rest assured that in the next major update following 1.6 you’ll be able to hear the crunch of snowy footfalls in your own creations!

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Back in Kairos there’s urgent terrain news too! See, that dimwitted excuse for an Empire has for decades now been spoiling the water sources with their disgusting habits, such as going to the toilet. This naturally drips down into the Underworld, which is why you’re no doubt familiar with the green-goop excuse for water in your dungeons. An Underlord may be ungodly, but that doesn’t mean they should live in a sewer!

So you’ll be glad to hear that in the wake of your ongoing purge of the Empire, the water sources have started to clean up.

          Not a turd in sight! Until the Chunders wade in…

With the blockages now removed the water is also flowing more freely – behold the majestic waterfalls now plummeting into the Underworld!

            Brings a tear to the eye, doesn’t it?

When loading the game in Patch 1.6 you’ll find all the water replaced with the fresh good stuff! Even more importantly you’ll be able to beautify your own creations by placing waterfalls and water chasms via the Map Editor.

That’s about all we have for you today Underlord. Check back on Friday for our final My Pet Dungeon preview, with a feature that will truly put the power at your fingertips!


– Brightrock Games Team

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