Xenonauts - Goldhawk
This is another small update, mostly containing bugfixes:
  • The invulnerable / untargetable alien bug should be gone again
  • Fixed an AI loop
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted save games and caused crashes once the "reveal map" function became active
  • Fixed a crash on the final mission that occurred as soon as you opened the first door if you were using the Valkyrie dropship
  • Fixed an issue to do with stun gas and teleporters that would occasionally cause a lock-up.
  • Landed UFOs no longer always use the Farm tileset
  • Reapers have been given 10 more TU to prevent them being so passive
  • Human interceptors no longer incorrectly receive a speed boost on Insane relative to Veteran
  • Praetor gun effects have been made a bit meatier
There's two more crash bugs for us to fix (the most common being a multi-level teleport crash), unless this build introduces any more bugs / crashes. Hopefully it will not and we'll be able to get ready for our official release on Monday!
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
This is another small update, mostly containing bugfixes:
  • The invulnerable / untargetable alien bug should be gone again
  • Fixed an AI loop
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted save games and caused crashes once the "reveal map" function became active
  • Fixed a crash on the final mission that occurred as soon as you opened the first door if you were using the Valkyrie dropship
  • Fixed an issue to do with stun gas and teleporters that would occasionally cause a lock-up.
  • Landed UFOs no longer always use the Farm tileset
  • Reapers have been given 10 more TU to prevent them being so passive
  • Human interceptors no longer incorrectly receive a speed boost on Insane relative to Veteran
  • Praetor gun effects have been made a bit meatier
There's two more crash bugs for us to fix (the most common being a multi-level teleport crash), unless this build introduces any more bugs / crashes. Hopefully it will not and we'll be able to get ready for our official release on Monday!
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
Xenonauts V1.04 has been released onto our main branch. This update fixes some more crashes and also tweaks the difficulty of the game on the lower difficulty settings. It will not break save games.

We had not been planning to make further balance changes to the game, but there was enough player feedback about the Easy / Normal difficulty settings being too hard that we decided to make an exception. More detail at the bottom of the post.

  • Soldier Equip screen crash bug is fixed.
  • Fixed some very slow loading times for ground missions.
  • Loss screen should actually display now when you lose the game, rather than freezing up (for real this time).
  • Final mission no longer crashes when your brave soldiers escape.
  • Fixed a crash associated with the Fury interceptor.
  • Fixed a crash with Heavy Drones exploding at the edge of a map.
  • Aliens should now attack secondary bases as well as primary bases.
  • Shock batons no longer show a tiny shotgun picture in the ammo slot.
  • Some mis-set tiles (impassible damaged doors etc) have been fixed
  • Some Xenopedia / strings typos fixed.

  • Funding damage caused by UFO activity now scales with difficulty - 0.5x on Easy and 0.75x on Normal.
  • New UFO types now appear at roughly the same speed on all difficulty settings.
  • Alien Bases now have a 100% chance to be discovered after 5 days, rather than a 20% chance every 5 days.
  • Air Superiority UFOs are back, so the funding damage caused by Ground Attack UFOs has been turned down.
  • Funding events now appear twice as often, but do half as much funding damage.
  • Airstrike values for UFOs have been increased somewhat.
  • Alien Alloys recovered from shot-down UFOs has been increased somewhat, but the funding received from a successful mission has been reduced.
  • The funding received from each national block has been reduced slightly.

The biggest balance change is to the strategic game on Easy / Normal difficulty - it is now harder to lose funding nations as the UFOs do less relations damage.

We've also set the times at which new UFO types appear to be relatively similar at all difficulty level - this didn't really make the game harder, it just made it longer and more tedious. We're hoping this change will improve the experience for newer players.

The other funding / airstrike changes are intended to roughly even out. We felt that the rewards between airstriking and a ground mission were too wide, forcing players to "grind" UFOs (this was also caused by a persistent shortage of alien alloys).

We think these tweaks will give the player a bit more choice on whether they really need to do yet another Scout crash site or can just airstrike it and move on.
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
Xenonauts V1.04 has been released onto our main branch. This update fixes some more crashes and also tweaks the difficulty of the game on the lower difficulty settings. It will not break save games.

We had not been planning to make further balance changes to the game, but there was enough player feedback about the Easy / Normal difficulty settings being too hard that we decided to make an exception. More detail at the bottom of the post.

  • Soldier Equip screen crash bug is fixed.
  • Fixed some very slow loading times for ground missions.
  • Loss screen should actually display now when you lose the game, rather than freezing up (for real this time).
  • Final mission no longer crashes when your brave soldiers escape.
  • Fixed a crash associated with the Fury interceptor.
  • Fixed a crash with Heavy Drones exploding at the edge of a map.
  • Aliens should now attack secondary bases as well as primary bases.
  • Shock batons no longer show a tiny shotgun picture in the ammo slot.
  • Some mis-set tiles (impassible damaged doors etc) have been fixed
  • Some Xenopedia / strings typos fixed.

  • Funding damage caused by UFO activity now scales with difficulty - 0.5x on Easy and 0.75x on Normal.
  • New UFO types now appear at roughly the same speed on all difficulty settings.
  • Alien Bases now have a 100% chance to be discovered after 5 days, rather than a 20% chance every 5 days.
  • Air Superiority UFOs are back, so the funding damage caused by Ground Attack UFOs has been turned down.
  • Funding events now appear twice as often, but do half as much funding damage.
  • Airstrike values for UFOs have been increased somewhat.
  • Alien Alloys recovered from shot-down UFOs has been increased somewhat, but the funding received from a successful mission has been reduced.
  • The funding received from each national block has been reduced slightly.

The biggest balance change is to the strategic game on Easy / Normal difficulty - it is now harder to lose funding nations as the UFOs do less relations damage.

We've also set the times at which new UFO types appear to be relatively similar at all difficulty level - this didn't really make the game harder, it just made it longer and more tedious. We're hoping this change will improve the experience for newer players.

The other funding / airstrike changes are intended to roughly even out. We felt that the rewards between airstriking and a ground mission were too wide, forcing players to "grind" UFOs (this was also caused by a persistent shortage of alien alloys).

We think these tweaks will give the player a bit more choice on whether they really need to do yet another Scout crash site or can just airstrike it and move on.
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
Xenonauts V1.03 has been released onto our main branch, and should update automatically (this will not break your save games).

This includes all the fixes from the V1.03, V1.02 and V1.02 HF patches we've released on our Experimental branch over the past four days, addressing a number of the major bugs in the game and also making a couple of economy-related balance changes.

  • Hidden Movement screen crash is fixed (the most frequent one at least)
  • Hidden Movement screen endless loop has been fixed.
  • Game over screen now appears correctly if you lose the game, rather than just locking up the game.
  • Invulnerable / totally untargetable aliens (not even with force-fire mode) should no longer appear
  • Soldier Equip screen crash hopefully occurs less often
  • Fixed a hang in the game if you attempted to Reduce Quantity on a workshop project that had already completed some items
  • Soldiers should no longer be listed as KIA after a mission if injured but not actually killed by an explosive weapon
  • You can no longer end up with the Base UI screens as a background for the ground combat
  • Fixed an issue where Light Drones occasionally turned invisible
  • Combat Shields now correctly block frontal shots 100% of the time
  • Xenonauts no longer lose 3TU when their move is interrupted by sighting an alien

  • Quickstart Guide now has more information for new players
  • Xenopedia now contains (basic) entries about all of the starting base structures, explaining their function
  • Building a base now costs $500k instead of $1m, but Radar Arrays now cost $250k instead of $100k. The net cost of a fully-upgraded interceptor base is the same, but you now have more flexibility about getting there (and slightly more funding in month 1).
  • Air Superiority UFO missions are temporarily disabled, as we think they may be causing some of the Soldier Equip crashes.
  • Ground Attack UFO missions are now causing funding damage again.
  • Attempted Terror missions will now happen twice a month, rather than just once.
  • Flashbangs no longer trigger C4 that is on corpses or on the ground
  • Fixed some Xenopedia and tooltip typos
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
Xenonauts V1.03 has been released onto our main branch, and should update automatically (this will not break your save games).

This includes all the fixes from the V1.03, V1.02 and V1.02 HF patches we've released on our Experimental branch over the past four days, addressing a number of the major bugs in the game and also making a couple of economy-related balance changes.

  • Hidden Movement screen crash is fixed (the most frequent one at least)
  • Hidden Movement screen endless loop has been fixed.
  • Game over screen now appears correctly if you lose the game, rather than just locking up the game.
  • Invulnerable / totally untargetable aliens (not even with force-fire mode) should no longer appear
  • Soldier Equip screen crash hopefully occurs less often
  • Fixed a hang in the game if you attempted to Reduce Quantity on a workshop project that had already completed some items
  • Soldiers should no longer be listed as KIA after a mission if injured but not actually killed by an explosive weapon
  • You can no longer end up with the Base UI screens as a background for the ground combat
  • Fixed an issue where Light Drones occasionally turned invisible
  • Combat Shields now correctly block frontal shots 100% of the time
  • Xenonauts no longer lose 3TU when their move is interrupted by sighting an alien

  • Quickstart Guide now has more information for new players
  • Xenopedia now contains (basic) entries about all of the starting base structures, explaining their function
  • Building a base now costs $500k instead of $1m, but Radar Arrays now cost $250k instead of $100k. The net cost of a fully-upgraded interceptor base is the same, but you now have more flexibility about getting there (and slightly more funding in month 1).
  • Air Superiority UFO missions are temporarily disabled, as we think they may be causing some of the Soldier Equip crashes.
  • Ground Attack UFO missions are now causing funding damage again.
  • Attempted Terror missions will now happen twice a month, rather than just once.
  • Flashbangs no longer trigger C4 that is on corpses or on the ground
  • Fixed some Xenopedia and tooltip typos
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
This is a small update for Xenonauts V1.0, intended to fix some of the stability issues (it also corrects a couple of very minor things in the game). It should not break save games.

We know that this patch does not address the most problematic bugs in the game - most notably the invulnerable alien bug and the Soldier Equip screen crash. Those bugs are proving difficult to track down, but we do know about them and we ARE actively trying to fix them.

Expect further stability updates this week. They will arrive on the Experimental branch first to ensure they do not cause more problems than they fix!

  • Autosave at the start of a mission has been re-enabled.
  • The bug where you could not click on certain unrevealed tiles to path units there has now been fixed.
  • The vehicle hitboxes are no longer "left behind" when a vehicle sights an alien.
  • Receiving items simultaneously to two separate bases no longer stops the UI responding.
  • The Quick Throw UI panel in the ground combat (i.e. the grenade slot) no longer shows the incorrect TU amount.
  • A couple of Xenopedia typos fixed.
  • We've put a new (user-created) door cursor in the game that matches the graphics style more closely than before.
  • A couple of door sprites that were impassable when destroyed have now been fixed too.
Xenonauts - Goldhawk
This is a small update for Xenonauts V1.0, intended to fix some of the stability issues (it also corrects a couple of very minor things in the game). It should not break save games.

We know that this patch does not address the most problematic bugs in the game - most notably the invulnerable alien bug and the Soldier Equip screen crash. Those bugs are proving difficult to track down, but we do know about them and we ARE actively trying to fix them.

Expect further stability updates this week. They will arrive on the Experimental branch first to ensure they do not cause more problems than they fix!

  • Autosave at the start of a mission has been re-enabled.
  • The bug where you could not click on certain unrevealed tiles to path units there has now been fixed.
  • The vehicle hitboxes are no longer "left behind" when a vehicle sights an alien.
  • Receiving items simultaneously to two separate bases no longer stops the UI responding.
  • The Quick Throw UI panel in the ground combat (i.e. the grenade slot) no longer shows the incorrect TU amount.
  • A couple of Xenopedia typos fixed.
  • We've put a new (user-created) door cursor in the game that matches the graphics style more closely than before.
  • A couple of door sprites that were impassable when destroyed have now been fixed too.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

We're not actually feeling skeptical right now. Our faces are just stuck this way from being skeptical so much in the past.

I am glad. Against all odds, Firaxis’ XCOM revival was actually a great turn-based strategy that captured the spirit of the original Gollop games. It wasn’t entirely bereft of blindspots, though. The art style wasn’t super menacing and didn’t allow imagination to fill in the gaps, the game sort of got easier as time went on, tension dissipated over time, etc. Sometimes, you just need a straight-up remake in order to account for everything>. In the case of classic X-Com, that game is Xenonauts. Alec has both written and blathered as much before, and really, is there any greater endorsement? Alec hates everything, even rainbows and my youthful naivete. Someday I’ll earn his approval. Maybe if I become turn-based and prominently feature permadeath, he’ll finally love me too.

… [visit site to read more]

Xenonauts - Goldhawk
We have now released Xenonauts V1.0 on the Stable branch, which marks the end of formal development for Xenonauts. This is effectively the final version of the game, minus any stability patches that may be required.

Official release and leaving Early Access for the game is in about two weeks (tentatively pencilled in as 16th June), but the remaining time is mostly going to be spent on sending out review copies, the PR around the launch, porting to Mac / Linux and getting the Kickstarter rewards sorted out etc.

We will continue to work on fixing any crashes / hangs encountered in the game, and any non-crash bugs that render the game unplayable in other ways.

We've fixed all the worst issues that appeared over the past few days of community testing, but as the game is 10-15+ hours for a playthrough we've obviously not been able to fully test the game internally after the last bunch of fixes. So there may still be some issues in the game - but if so, they'll be addressed in the next two weeks before the official release.

There have been a lot of changes made since the previous Stable version. The game has a much smoother difficulty curve, more information for new players, new line of sight mechanics, much improved AI and all sorts of finer polish.

The choice is therefore up to you whether you want to play the "final" version of the game now or whether you'd prefer to wait a couple of weeks to make sure any stability kinks have been ironed out. We'll make more of a song and dance about the release when it comes to the 16th, but I thought it was best to explain this update and make it available to anyone who did not want to wait that long!

Thanks for your patience and support over the past five years of development, it's been a long and difficult journey and I doubt we could have got so far without the all help from our community!

PS - if the update has broken your save games, you can access the legacy branch to continue your playthrough in the previous version. The instructions on how to do so can be found here.