The Stanley Parable - (Nathan Grayson)

The Stanley Parable is strange. The Stanley Parable is smart, calculated. The Stanley Parable is pure chaos. The Stanley Parable is about so very, very many things – at least, until it decides to be not about them at all, often in the same breath. I’ll be straight with you: reviewing this thing in any conventional fashion is more or less impossible. Yes, at heart it’s a first-person adventure born of a highly acclaimed Half-Life 2 mod, but it’s also far, far more. A tangled web of surprises and secrets, a madman’s ransom collage of endings and fresh starts. And so, in the spirit of The Stanley Parable, I have decided to let you choose how you’d like to see the game reviewed. Well, if you’d even call these meaningful choices, let alone important ones. Er, sorry about that. Been playing too much Stanley Parable. You know how it is. >


The Stanley Parable - Valve
The Stanley Parable is Now Available on Steam and 20% off the first week*.

The Stanley Parable is a first person exploration game. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will follow a story, you will not follow a story. You will have a choice, you will have no choice. The game will end, the game will never end. Contradiction follows contradiction, the rules of how games should work are broken, then broken again. This world was not made for you to understand.

But as you explore, slowly, meaning begins to arise, the paradoxes might start to make sense, perhaps you are powerful after all. The game is not here to fight you; it is inviting you to dance.

*Offer ends on October 23rd.

Oct 17, 2013
The Stanley Parable - Hideous
We've created a brand new launch trailer - Turn up your hype glands, because it's almost here!
Oct 17, 2013
The Stanley Parable - Andrea
We've created a brand new launch trailer - Turn up your hype glands, because it's almost here!
The Stanley Parable - Gran PC
The Stanley Parable - Gran PC
The Stanley Parable - Gran PC
Let's pretend I don't suck at announcements - <a href="">check this out</a>!
The Stanley Parable - Gran PC
Let's pretend I don't suck at announcements - check this out!