Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
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Our weekly devcast, "Rhymes with Play" now has a curator page on Steam.

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Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
Hey Everybody!

Our weekly devcast, "Rhymes with Play" now has a curator page on Steam.

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Don't Starve - (Ben Barrett)

FUN FACT: it’s quite difficult for two or more people to starve in close proximity, because inevitably one will begin to eat the other. With that cheeriness in mind, I’m here to tell you that sign-ups are now open for the closed beta of top-down survive-’em-up Don’t Starve‘s to-be-free multiplayer component. You don’t even need to own Don’t Starve to apply, as those accepted will be given a limited version of the client that only allows for multiplayer. All you need to do is fill in this form and hope fate smiles upon you.

… [visit site to read more]

Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
Join us with a sneak preview of Don't Starve Together
Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
Join us with a sneak preview of Don't Starve Together
Don't Starve - (Alec Meer)

Invisible Inc is a turn-based, grid-based, cyberpunkish stealth strategy game from Klei, creators of Don’t Starve and Mark of the Ninja. It’s about secret agents breaking into sinister corporations to steal cash and data. It’s about risking everything and losing everything, but then trying it all again because you’re damn sure you can do better. It’s out now on Steam Early Access, and I’ve spent the last couple of days sheltered within its billowing trenchcoat. … [visit site to read more]

Don't Starve - (Adam Smith)

Don’t Starve Together is the sort of stern instruction that was once delivered by frowning parents to their newly married offspring as they set out to find a partner for life. The ruddy-faced matron wouldn’t tell her son to make sure he wooed a girl who always washed behind the ears, and the cracked lips of an aged farmer would not part to instruct his daughters in the ways of romance and wedlock – instead, mother and father both would have one piece of advice. “When you settle down with a spouse and begin a life of your own, eternal bliss can be yours if you follow this advice – Don’t Starve Together.” Then they’d slip a withered turnip out of their breeches, pass it across and shut the door of the family home for good.

Don’t Starve’s upcoming multiplayer mode will allow you to relive the good old days with your own friends and it’ll be entering closed beta before September 23rd.

… [visit site to read more]

Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
To help us kick off the launch of Invisible, Inc. on Steam Early-Access; Join Klei Entertainment on Reddit for an AMA.

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Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
To help us kick off the launch of Invisible, Inc. on Steam Early-Access; Join Klei Entertainment on Reddit for an AMA.

Come ask us anything!
Don't Starve - (Nathan Grayson)

Or lord of the weird mammalian spider bison, as it were

Don’t Starve is an ingenious videogame title, if you think about it. It’s catchy, a quick summation of your goal in the game, and utterly indispensable life advice. Don’t Starve Together, then, is exactly what I’m going to tell my future children when I’m teaching them about the buddy system. I will follow that by handing them a copy of Lord of the Flies and saying, “Don’t reenact this,” before stranding them on an island for a couple days to find out which one is fit enough to be my favorite. Coincidentally, that’s more or less how I expect Don’t Starve Together to unfold, albeit with slightly less confusing advice given out upfront.

… [visit site to read more]
