Arma 3 - (Graham Smith)

Get to the choppaaaurgh.

Part of Arma 3‘s recent roadmap includes more regular updates to the game’s dev branch, introducing all manner of tweaks and new tools to the terrifying military simulator. As of this past week, that includes new helicopter physics.

Using knowledge gained via Bohemia’s own Take On Helicopters (my title for this post is really very clever), a new set of flight physics have been introduced which “is more complex, taking into account things like a helicopter’s construction, the weight of fuel/ammo, wind influence, stress damage and much more besides.” There’s a video of the new model in action below.

… [visit site to read more]

Aug 5, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Advanced Helicopter FDM Deployed

It's been an exciting time on Arma 3's development branch as - alongside our usual line-up of tweaks, fixes and additions - we've just rolled out the first version of the advanced helicopter flight model! Rotorhead-in-chief, Karel Kališ, found the time to put together a splendid OPREP, which outlines the changes to helicopter flight, customisation options, controls and GUI elements! Together with Lukáš Miláček and Vojtěch Hladík, we're keenly awaiting your feedback on our official forums!

More in the full SITREP
Aug 5, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Advanced Helicopter FDM Deployed

It's been an exciting time on Arma 3's development branch as - alongside our usual line-up of tweaks, fixes and additions - we've just rolled out the first version of the advanced helicopter flight model! Rotorhead-in-chief, Karel Kališ, found the time to put together a splendid OPREP, which outlines the changes to helicopter flight, customisation options, controls and GUI elements! Together with Lukáš Miláček and Vojtěch Hladík, we're keenly awaiting your feedback on our official forums!

More in the full SITREP
Arma 3 - RoyaltyInExile
FROM: Sandbox Design Dept.
TO: Arma 3 Users
OPSUM: Bringing advanced helicopter flight dynamics to Arma 3.

Right now on the Development Branch, the advanced helicopter flight model is available for all existing helicopters. This new functionality is composed of multiple layers: significantly different behaviour of helos in flight; a set of optional helpers and new customisable actions/keybinds; new gauges and indicators. We'd like to explain these things in more detail.

More in the Full Report
Arma 3 - RoyaltyInExile
FROM: Sandbox Design Dept.
TO: Arma 3 Users
OPSUM: Bringing advanced helicopter flight dynamics to Arma 3.

Right now on the Development Branch, the advanced helicopter flight model is available for all existing helicopters. This new functionality is composed of multiple layers: significantly different behaviour of helos in flight; a set of optional helpers and new customisable actions/keybinds; new gauges and indicators. We'd like to explain these things in more detail.

More in the Full Report
Arma 2

What does it take to rattle 80-some veteran players of Earth s most hardcore military sim? ShackTac bossman Dslyecxi pointed me to this insane firefight and extraction attempt in one of his recent videos. Short on ammo, shorter on men, and their backs literally against a wall that may or may not be indestructible, Dslyecxi leads the survivors of a trapped infantry unit as they improvise an escape plan.

Dslyecxi contextualizes the chaos: "At the 33:40 mark, we're all critically low on ammo. As a fireteam leader, I've given everything I had left to other members of my fireteam, and I'm running around trying to see what we're going to do next. There are enemies swarming all over the exterior of the compound and we have reason to believe that they've started to breach into it in some areas as well. It's very much a fog-of-war period at that point. There are reports that the convoy has arrived, and while I saw a few of our vehicles earlier, I heard quite a few explosions and wasn't sure if they were still alive. I'm just waiting for orders and seeing where I can help out in the meantime. We get those orders a few minutes later, which starts the chain of events leading to the crazy finale."

We ve highlighted a few more of Dslyecxi and other Arma players variously heroic and hilarious moments in the past: watch them here. Dslyecxi also has a Patreon page where you can support his continued creation of combat and tutorial videos.
Jul 29, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: DLC Survey, Launcher Updates, Splendid sounds

Development on our forthcoming Helicopters DLC has picked up some pace and, alongside it, our goal to bring RotorLib's flight dynamics to Arma 3's development branch draws closer, too. Although we've recently experienced some hiccups that have prevented us from publishing the very latest dev-branch executables, we're still on course to deploy the new flight model at the beginning of August.

More in the full SITREP
Jul 29, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: DLC Survey, Launcher Updates, Splendid sounds

Development on our forthcoming Helicopters DLC has picked up some pace and, alongside it, our goal to bring RotorLib's flight dynamics to Arma 3's development branch draws closer, too. Although we've recently experienced some hiccups that have prevented us from publishing the very latest dev-branch executables, we're still on course to deploy the new flight model at the beginning of August.

More in the full SITREP
Jul 22, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Feedback Evaluation, Splendid Script Commands, Onwards to Helicopters DLC!

It's been a week since we deployed the 1.24 'Bootcamp Update' and, since then, we've gathered a lot of valuable feedback. Aside from a rogue CBA conflict, we've been happy to see very few players encountering any issues in their Prologue mini-campaign and VR Training playthroughs, and impressed by the variety of custom Virtual Arsenal creations! The hottest topics, of course, have been the new fatigue and weapon sway mechanics, which have received a mixed response. We've closely monitored all channels for your feedback, gathering and evaluating information from across the whole community. Sandbox Designer Radko Voda has already made some tweaks in the development branch of the game, primarily addressing issues with overly-pronounced lateral sway.

More in the full SITREP
Jul 22, 2014
Arma 3 - petrkol
FROM: Creative Director
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Feedback Evaluation, Splendid Script Commands, Onwards to Helicopters DLC!

It's been a week since we deployed the 1.24 'Bootcamp Update' and, since then, we've gathered a lot of valuable feedback. Aside from a rogue CBA conflict, we've been happy to see very few players encountering any issues in their Prologue mini-campaign and VR Training playthroughs, and impressed by the variety of custom Virtual Arsenal creations! The hottest topics, of course, have been the new fatigue and weapon sway mechanics, which have received a mixed response. We've closely monitored all channels for your feedback, gathering and evaluating information from across the whole community. Sandbox Designer Radko Voda has already made some tweaks in the development branch of the game, primarily addressing issues with overly-pronounced lateral sway.

More in the full SITREP