1. About these Terms
These Terms of Use constitutes a legal agreement with respect to your use of the Service.
By accessing or installing the Service provided by BTD Studio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "BTD"), you are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.
If you refuse to agree to the Terms of Use, no rights or permissions to use the Service shall be granted to you.
If you are under thirteen (13) years of age, you may only use the Service only after your legal guardian has thoroughly read these Terms of Use.
BTD shall make all contents of the Terms of Use publicly available at all times.
BTD may amend this Terms of Use from time to time at its discretion and your continued use of the Service despite such amendment shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.

2. License Grant
Subject to your full compliance to the Terms of Use, BTD grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, revocable, and limited license to access or use the Service (excluding, however, an access to source codes and relevant object files) solely for your personal use, and you hereby agree to comply with this Terms of Use at every opportunity of use provided to you. In the event that you do not agree to any portion of this Terms of Use or rules hereof, all license with respect to your use of the Service shall be terminated with immediate effect and you shall immediately cease to use the Service.
Any of the acts as specified below are strictly prohibited in connection with your use of the Service:
   Sending advertising chain mails, soliciting for pyramid schemes, or any other acts of solicitation,
   Any acts of posting or transmitting a message containing harassment, abusive language, or any supporting information thereof, about other individuals, groups, races, sex or religion,
   Transmission of any content that includes pornography or any other contents of highly obscene nature,
   To intercept and analyze the transmitted contents used in the Service or to use such information for the purpose of cyber-attacks or unauthorized access
   To infringe third party's rights, copyrights or the right of publicity; or to commit an identity theft against third party individuals or groups,
   Having more than two user accounts
   Any attempt of reverse compilation, reverse engineering, reverse assembly, or hacking against the Service by BTD and unauthorized use of images and other contents included in the Service,
   Any acts of cheating for the purpose of modifying the contents of the Service or any use of security attacking tools, automation software, scraping, or any use of software having the intended purpose of hacking or any similar acts,
   Any acts of enabling the duplication, distribution, or public use of the contents of the Service in whole or in part, or acts of creating derivative works of the Service therefrom.

3. Account
Notwithstanding any provisions otherwise in this Regulation, you shall not be entitled to any ownership or property right in respect to your Account. All rights pertaining to your Account shall be vested with BTD.
   You shall not disclose to any third party such information as required for logging into BTD’s Services. You shall neither let other persons use your Account nor log into any one account together with other users. BTD shall not be held liable for any troubles caused by the leakage of said information required for logging into your Account. You shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to your own Account.
   BTD may delete or terminate your Account at any time without reason at the arbitrary discretion of BTD in the event of breach of these Terms of Use or otherwise. BTD shall not be held liable for any damage incurred on account of failure in accessing BTD’s Services. The virtual money, virtual goods, etc. kept in your Account theoretically deleted shall not be refunded or returned in this case.

4. Virtual Goods and Virtual Money
The Services herein contain virtual goods and virtual money. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Use Regulation, you agree that you shall have no inherent rights to any elements contained in the Services in regard to the contents specified in the Services, regardless of whether purchased or generated in the game.

5. Termination of Services
BTD shall be entitled to modify or suspend in part, or to terminate in whole, the Services at any time. In such event and at such time, your license granted to you for the Services shall expire. Upon termination of the Services, no claim for refund for the virtual goods or virtual money contained in the Account shall take effect.

6. Intellectual Property Right
Any rights and all intellectual property rights to or in connection with the Services provided, such as copyright, trademark, patent, right to privacy, right to publicity or others, for game rules, titles, characters, concepts, artworks, music, author’s moral rights, related documents, etc., shall all belong to BTD.

7. Updates to the Service
BTD shall have no obligation to inform you of any enhancements or updates to the Service for the purpose of correction of errors or other enhancements to the Service, to notify you of any changes in the contents of Service, or to make public announcement about products or services.

8. Revision offees for using the Service
You agree to pay all fees charged to yourself or other persons who use the Account registered under your name, as well as all applicable governmental taxes. BTD may, at any time and at its sole discretion, revise the prices of virtual products and/or virtual currency provided under the Service. BTD shall have no obligation to refund the fees or provide compensations in the event of changes in the values of virtual products and/or virtual currency, arising from revisions of the prices.

9. Privacy
You hereby agree and approve that BTD may collect, process, use, or share with others your personal information pursuant to its privacy policy and provisions under this Terms of Use, and use your personal information for the purpose of improving the quality of service provided by BTD.
You acknowledge and understand that there are "moral rights" to content or interactions created by users in such media as chats, social networks or blogs (e.g. works of authorship in a game such as characters or posts) , under which the author has the right to control publicity and preclude any treatment that damages the honor and reputation of the author. You hereby expressly agree to waive all moral rights in or to any contents of yours transmitted while using the Service.

10. No Waiver
No failure of BTD to demand or enforce the strict performance by users of obligations under this Terms of Use or privacy policy of BTD, or to exercise its rights arising therefrom shall in any way be taken to be a waiver by BTD of its rights to assert the validity or enforce the performance of the subject provision or any other provisions.

11. Disclaimer of Warranties
The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and subject to change without notice. BTD does not warrant, expressly or implicitly, the uninterrupted use of the Service, merchantability, legal compatibility (including files, information and other data), or damage caused by the virus infection of any contents.
In the case that a problem occurs in or you are not satisfied with any services provided by BTD, your sole right is to stop the use of services provided by BTD. In such case, BTD bears no responsibility for any interruption or error of services incurred from the access of services provided by BTD.

12. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and BTD with regard to the services provided by BTD (defined in Article 1), and supersedes all prior agreements and memorandums between you and BTD.

13. Complaints and dispute resolution
You agree that Japanese law shall be the governing law and the court located in Tokyo, Japan shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to address any disputes arising between you and the Company and all claims and disputes other parties file against the Company.

14. Severability
If any part of any provision of the Terms of Use is found by the laws or court in the applicable region to be void or unenforceable, such part of the provision shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under the laws in the applicable region to the extent required to reflect BTD’s original intention, and the remaining provisions of these Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

15. Assignment
The Company may transfer or delegate all or part of the Terms of Use and/or the Company’s Privacy Policy to a third party with or without your consent.
You may not transfer or delegate the rights and obligations under the Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy without the Company’s written consent. Unauthorized transfer and delegation by the user will be considered invalid.

16. Questions about these terms
If you have any questions with regard to these Terms of Use or BTD’s applications, please contact BTD via e-mail.