Please note: This will also appear in the virtual environment as a consent form.

Institutional Review Board Informed Consent Document for Research
Principal Investigator: Noah Robinson
Revision Date: 4/24/2017
Study Title: Assessment of Interpretation Biases Through Virtual Social Interaction
Institution/Hospital: Vanderbilt University
Access a copy of this form:

This informed consent document applies to Healthy Volunteers.

The following information is provided to inform you about the research project and your participation in it. Please read this form carefully and feel free to ask any questions you may have about this study by emailing the PI Noah Robinson ( You may also access a copy of the consent form by accessing
Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You are also free to withdraw from this study at any time. In the event new information becomes available that may affect the risks or benefits associated with this research study or your willingness to participate in it, you will be notified so that you can make an informed decision whether or not to continue your participation in this study.

1. Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to understand how people experience social situations. We will ask you to pretend as if you are in a social situation, where you will speak with automated avatars and answer questions about your interpretations of the scene. We will ask you to read sentences aloud, observe reactions, and endorse an interpretation of the situation. You will also be asked to complete three brief self-report surveys, and a dot probe task that requires you to link words to sentences. You are being asked to participate in a research study because we are interested

2. Procedures to be followed and approximate duration of the study: We will ask you to read sentences aloud, observe reactions, and endorse an interpretation of the situation. You will also be asked to complete two brief self-report surveys, and a dot probe task that requires you to link words to sentences. The study will take approximately one hour.
You can obtain a copy of this consent form by going to and clicking the link. This link
is also provided in the app’s description on the Steam page so that you can access it after you exit this virtual environment and take off your headset.

3. Expected costs: The expected cost to participate in this study is the time it takes to complete it (approximately one hour).

4. Description of the discomforts, inconveniences, and/or risks that can be reasonably expected as a result of participation in this study: Some survey questions will ask you about your experience with feelings of anxiety. While these questions may make you feel uncomfortable, you may skip any question you do not want to answer. In addition, the behavioral task may feel distressing. You can discontinue the task at any time.

5. In the case of study-related injury: In the case of questions related to potential injury please contact the Institutional Review Board Office at (615) 322-2918 or toll free at (866) 224-8273.

6. Good effects that might result from this study:
a) Your participation will help researchers develop the foundation for a possible treatment for social anxiety that will be freely disseminated through the Internet.
b) Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no benefits to you for participating in this study

7. Compensation for participation: There is no compensation for participation in this study.

8. What happens if you choose to withdraw from study participation? You may choose to withdraw from participating
If you become upset or distressed during the study, you can contact Noah Robinson, B.S. at (202) 812-2204,, or Bunmi Olatunji, Ph.D. at (615) 322-0060,

9. Contact Information. If you should have any questions about this research study or possibly injury, please feel free to
contact Noah Robinson at (202) 812 2204 or my Faculty Advisor, Dr. Olatunji at (615) 322-0060.
For additional information about giving consent or your rights as a participant in this study, to discuss problems, concerns, and questions, or to offer input, please feel free to contact the Institutional Review Board Office at (615) 322- 2918 or toll free at (866) 224-8273.

13. Confidentiality:
All efforts, within reason, will be made to keep your personal information in your research record but total confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Your behavioral data (head position, hand position, interpersonal distance, survey response questions) will be transmitted over the Internet to a secure server located at Vanderbilt University. This means there is some risk of your data being compromised, although we are not collecting identifying information such as your name. Your survey responses and behavioral data will be assigned a unique identifying number and stored on servers located at Vanderbilt University

14. Privacy: Your information may be shared with Vanderbilt or the government, such as the Vanderbilt University Institutional Review Board, Federal Government Office for Human Research Protections if you or someone else is in danger or if we are required to do so by law. Vanderbilt may give or sell your data without identifiers for other research projects not listed in this form. There are no plans to pay you for the use or transfer of this de-identified information.
☐ By agreeing to this EULA, you indicate that:
I have read this informed consent document and the material contained in it has been explained to me. All my questions have been answered, and I freely and voluntarily choose to participate.