This End-User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Rival Games Ltd ("RIVAL GAMES") that accompanies this product, which includes computer software and a product activation code of the software, and may include associated media, printed materials, online or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services including but not limited to and and all subdomains of these sites ("WEBSITE"). Furthermore, this product includes but is not limited to the game known as "The Detail" ("GAME", meaning this copy of the computer software and any complementary electronic files and printed materials).


The copyright of The Detail and all the elements of the supplied software are the property of RIVAL GAMES and/or its suppliers, representatives and sales partners and are protected by copyright law.

RIVAL GAMES hereby grants you (as an individual or a legal entity), the end user, the limited, non-transferable right to install and use the GAME, using the supplied product activation code, for your own personal use and enjoyment or for creating and publishing reviews in the media, subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. This EULA is proof of your entitlement to exercise the rights granted herein. RIVAL GAMES may terminate this license immediately if you fail to comply with any of the terms thereof. Moreover, RIVAL GAMES retains the right to revise these terms at a later date without any notice.

RIVAL GAMES reserves all rights which have not been expressly granted in this EULA. Therefore, the GAME must be given the same treatment as any other material subject to copyright. You may not rent out, lend, sell or transfer the GAME or any element incorporated into it, including images which appear on screen, sounds or accompanying documents, to any third party by any means whatsoever, or offer it for sale or grant subordinated EULAs, and nor may you permit any other person to use the GAME on different computer system than what it was originally installed on. Moreover, you may not transfer your rights (temporarily or permanently) by virtue of this EULA. You may not copy, modify, adapt, distribute, transmit, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble or try to decipher the source code of all or any part of the GAME or any element incorporated into it, nor permit or encourage any third party to do so. You may not offer the GAME as payment for playing in a computer system or network which may be accessed by means of rental, nor electronically distribute the GAME or part of the GAME or any element incorporated into it, including any image, sound or accompanying document assets. Without limiting the general nature of the above restrictions you may publish self-captured screenshots and/or videos for reviewing purposes and share information about the GAME with public audience.

You understand that by downloading, installing or using the GAME that the GAME is provided “as is”. You expressly acknowledge and agree to use the GAME on your own exclusive account and risk. RIVAL GAMES does not guarantee that the GAME meets the requirements of the computer system used nor that the GAME is entirely error or defect-free nor that will the functioning of the GAME be uninterrupted. Using the GAME may cause problems with your computer system and result in damages and data loss. RIVAL GAMES is not responsible for any such damages, whether direct or otherwise. No dealership, distributor, agent or employee of RIVAL GAMES is authorized to make any modification or addition whatsoever to this warranty. RIVAL GAMES does not recognize any other warranties, express, implicit or, insofar as law permits, legal, including any warranty of satisfactory quality, suitability for a specific use and non-infraction of intellectual property rights, in relation to the GAME. NOTHING IN THE CONTENT OF THIS LICENSE AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER PROTECTED BY AN APPLICABLE LAW.

RIVAL GAMES retains the right to terminate the support for the GAME or the WEBSITE at any time. This may happen with or without prior notice. No obligation to continue updating the GAME or the services exists whatsoever. This may happen with or without prior notice.

In no case shall RIVAL GAMES or any of its affiliates, including but not limited to suppliers, licensors and contractors, be liable for any kind of damage (including but not limited to derived, special, indirect, direct or incidental damage, loss of earnings, interruptions in mercantile activity or other pecuniary loss) deriving from the use of the GAME, even when RIVAL GAMES has been notified of the possibility of this damage. This includes all direct, incidental and consequential damages and the cost of procurement of substitute products or serves, interruption or loss of service, and the loss or corruption of data.

This EULA contains the complete agreement between RIVAL GAMES and yourself in relation to the object thereof and replaces all previous negotiations, understandings and agreements, written or oral, between RIVAL GAMES and yourself in relation to the object thereof. This EULA shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Finnish law, and any legal disputes are to be settled according to the Finnish law in a Finnish court of law. You specifically agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Finnish courts of law. If any term or condition of this EULA is declared invalid or null and void, all remaining terms and conditions thereof shall remain in full force and effect as if the invalid terms or conditions had been removed from this EULA. No failure to exercise or enforce, or delay in exercising or enforcing RIVAL GAMES' rights, remedies and powers by virtue of the present EULA shall constitute a waiver of said rights, powers or remedies.